Moving on...
Today I attended a technology workshop all day. I love technology but don't like to sit through and listen to somebody just speak about it. I'm more of a hands on kind of girl. So I spent most of the day navigating my way through this new program and trying to figure it out on my own. I hope I wasn't too rude but I really felt like the best way for me to learn and be able to go back and teach my coworkers was to just throw myself into it and go. By 3 I was really on a roll and was actually a little sad to have to call it a day.
Moving on...
Lucky for me there is a Target right by the school I was at. I had something that I needed to return and of course once you walk through those big red doors it's hard to walk out empty handed. Besides, what's better than some retail therapy???? I was able to get some gifts for a birthday party we are going to on Saturday and throw something in the cart for me too. I have spent all summer in dresses and when I saw this one I had to have it:

Moving on...
I'm really enjoying my workouts with Team in Training. Last night we had a tough hills workout at the good ole parking garage. We did a total of 7 runs for about 3.5 miles worth of hills! The first couple are always easy but after that the fatigue starts to set in and the calves start to feel like they're on fire. I really need to get moving with my fundraising. My recommitment day is two weeks away and I'm still short some funds. Any and all ideas are welcome!!!!!!!
I'm glad you're "moving on," for now anyways! I truly hope things work out for you. As for target, I saw that dress yesterday too and loved it too, though I didn't try it on or buy it.
CUTE CUTE dress, I need retail therapy..
Hmm fund raising. When I raised money for the race for the cure I emailed all of my friends, family and co-workers with details about what I was up to and an easy link to donate. I was AMAZED at the response. Not sure what you have already done, but that was how I got started.
Have a great weekend!
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