Tonight Stacy was nice enough to invite us (Aurora and I) over for wine and snacks. When we get together (as I'm sure is true for all women) there is never a shortage of topics for conversation. Even though we had spent three hours together earlier in the day there was still plenty to talk about over dinner! After awhile her fiance got home and joined us at the table while he had dinner. He seemed surprised by all the different topics we were able to cover in such a short amount of time and was pretty sure that in his ENTIRE life he had never had any conversations like that with any of his friends. That of course led us to talking about just how different men and women are in all aspects of our life (relationships with the opposite sex, relationships with the same sex, work, family, etc..) I found these two images tonight that do an EXCELLENT job of summing up these differences:

Sorry they are so small, here's the link http://media.photobucket.com/image/men%20vs%20women%252527s%20brain/MarsPhotos/Male_and_female_brain.gif
Study them carefully.They seem pretty darn accurate wouldn't you say????
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