After lunch at Parroteyes on the island today we packed up and headed to Corpus. Robert has a Texas School Law Conference here until Thursday and with him being gone all last week to Austin Charlie and I decided to tag along for this one. As we drove in to our hotel I thought maybe we had been in the car too long because I thought I had heard him say we would be at the Holiday Inn and the building we were in front did not look anything like one. Here's a picture:

Doesn't look bad right? Once I stepped in though and looked around it was a COMPLETELY different story. It was like we had gone back in time to the 70's. Seriously it needed some major renovations and the smell was not welcoming at all.

After looking at the expression on my face Robert tells me that he knew this was a mistake. Apparently he had read some reviews and they all had nothing but bad things to say about this place. However, someone he works with had somehow convinced him it wasn't bad at all. We got back in the car and after a short "talk" agreed that this wasn't the place for us. As we drove off the bums hanging out in the front of the hotel reassured us we had made the best decision. I quickly googled the number for the Omni, which is where the conference will be held. After some time we got lucky and they found a room for us! What was even better was the fact that they were going to honor their $85 a night group rate for us! So for about $30 dollars less this is our home for the next few days:

Since Robert will be busy during the day I plan to spend a lot of time here:

Tonight I logged on to and read up on some of those reviews that Robert had seen about the other hotel. No way we would have stopped there had I seen them first! I think we've learned our lesson!
Yeah I am a total believer on researching hotels before you go there... good thought!! xxooo
Oh yeah...the Omni! Much better! :D Have a fabulous time!!
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