It hasn't rained around here in who knows how long so yesterday when we got some scattered showers they were welcomed with open arms. It was nice to see my kids come back from lunch ad not be drenched from the sun. Well, today the rain decided to make another appearance. A much stronger appearance. Like I said we want rain, we need the rain but seriously did it have to start pouring and cause a power outage right at 2:50 when we were dismissing all 950 of our students!!!!! It was pure chaos. Kids were crying, screaming, trying to escape us to go play in the rain and parents were frantically trying to get into the building to take them home. My principal was off campus at a meeting and maybe that was a good thing because I'm sure she would not have been happy with the scene. Normally it takes us about 15 minutes to get everyone loaded up in their cars and on their way home. Today it took almost 45! Oh well, beggars can't be choosers right?
I LOVE rain!! It makes me happy but it can really complicate things when it rains hard like that when you are at school!!
It hadn't rained in forever here either and then the morning of the first day it was pouring!! Talk about crazy! Why on the first day of school??? WHY?????
I like rain, it calms me, but I don't know what it would be like at school!
Okay, I'm done waiting, when I get back from vacation next week, I'm shopping again for your swap gift and this time I'll put a delivery confirm on it, I've learned my lesson! =)
I've been dying for some rain here! I'm jealous! Doesn't sound like such a smooth dismissal, though!
Same thing happened to us today. Pure chaos. During lunch. Our halls were thudded; our kids were wet. It was a mess.
We've had a bit a rain too lately. Love your new look!
Oh yes they can, in my world at least. LOL I always get eveyrthing I want. I so can't wait for the rain. Bring it on, goodbye 104 degree days.
Sounds like craziness!!
Come sign up for the giveaway on my blog!
Some days I think God just needs a little laugh! Why else would this happen? You are very lucky Mrs. H was off campus! I'm sure this won't be God's last laugh this year :)
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