So I've been MIA for about a week now. One might think it was due to some very exciting and adventerous things happening in our lives but unfortunately that's not it at all. Since my last post this is pretty much what we have been up to around here: Work, Dinner, some Tv, work, dinner, PTO meetings, Meet the Teacher Night, Friday night football and of course who can forget both college and NFL football! Apparently Robert and I have both had trouble getting some sort of schedule and routine back into our lives since the beginning of the school year. We have managed to do some redcorating around the house. This is our latest purchase:

Now normally I wouldn't agree that we NEED a 55 inch TV but buying it did have its advantages. We took the 46 inch we had in the living room and moved it into the 2nd bedroom. That 2nd bedroom has now become somewhat of Robert's "man room." The bed that was in there has been sold and in came a new leather couch. It's where he has spent the last two weekends watching every fottball game possible and playing XBox. Now why is this an advantage you might ask? Well, it frees up the new TV for me!
Welcome Back!! 55 inch tv is a necessity in my house. We have two 56 inch tv's. The BF said it was necessary that the game room have such a large tv and surrond sound. To obtain the true effects of HALO. WHATEVER. I had to get it for him because I made him move so far away from his job and the long commute can get to you. It was the best trade off ever. I'll take it!
My Hubby watches TV and our bedroom and always watch TV in the living room! It was the perfect way to solve our dislike for what the other watches! We've done this now for um 9 years!! It works for us and we're both happy!! Yay to the nice new TV!!
Smart girl! No wonder you've been MIA. Between school & that new TV I don't blame you!! :) Enjoy!
Hi! I finally made it over here... thanks for entering my giveaway!
I'm super impressed by your running, lol. As hard as I work to workout regularly, running is NOT my thing. I wish I were better.
Good idea with the new "man cave." It's only the beginning of the football season and I'm already sick of it, lol.
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