Saturday we have a baby shower planned for a good friend of ours so tonight I headed out to Babies R Us to pick up some gifts for her from her registry. I always worry about stepping foot in there for a couple of reasons: 1. I always end up buying more than I expected. Everything is just too cute to leave on the shelves. and 2. Am I going to walk out wanting a little one of my own that very instant???? Luckily tonight I only had to worry about the first reason. I went in with one thing in mind and walked out with a cart full of stuff. Aurora met me there to help and we ended up driving the poor girl behind the register a little crazy with our coupons, splitting the total, and thousand questions. We finally made it out with this:

and this:

and this:
There were a few extras also thrown in there. Can't wait to see her open them all up!
I got a baby shower on Sunday myself!!! Baby stuff = cuteness!!!
Nice stuff, she will be so happy and even more happy once she starts using it all. You did good!!!!
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