I was so excited to see this yesterday in one of my comments. My new blog friend Holly was gracious enough to think of me and I couldn't be more excited! Check out her blog at Pink is My Signature Color.
The Rules of Accepting and Sharing this Award
1. Put the logo on your blog or post 2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude 3. Link to your nominees within your post 4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award 5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award. 6. Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude.
To me an attitude of gratitude is the best way to get through life. Robert and I thank God for all we have been able to accomplish and the love we share. I am so grateful for my loving family, friends and experiences that have made me who I am today. Everyday I am grateful that I have a classroom of 5th graders to teach and co-workers to learn from.
I am going to pass this award on to...USC Emily, Patty, Twice as Nice, Maverick Anthony, Jen, Rebecca Jo, Quotes from the Queen,Lori, Holly & Ashley! If any of you ladies have already received this award, then consider yourself extra loved!! :)
aahhh... thanks bloggy buddy!!! That's so cool!!!
And you have a new look!! FUN!
Look at your blog!! SO cute! I love it! Thanks for the award that is so sweet!! Hope you have a great day!!
Thanks so much!! And i love your layout :-)
Thanks Jen. You are so deserving of this award.
Good luck to your kids on TAKS!!!
Thanks so much for the Award!! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by :o)
It's me again!! Now I have something for you!!! Head on over to my blog for something SUPER!!!!
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