I started teaching 8 years ago. Today I find myself at the same school dealing with the same issues. Don't get me wrong. I love what I do, my kids and the teachers I work with but I can't help but to think there's other things for me to learn out there. At the end of the last school year I was hoping to get an administrative job elsewhere but it just wasn't my time. My husband tried to get me to transfer over to his district but I was too afraid to leave where I was at. Plus I think part of me wanted to hold out one more year in hopes another position would open. Well, the position did mysteriously open up over the summer but I wasn't considered. As this school year starts to come to a close again change is on my mind. It's time. I know it but to get the gears in motion and actually start to get out there and talk to people is not so easy. P've been checking neighborhing district websites almost daily and today I saw a new position posted that I'm really interested in. This weekend I'm going to revamp my resume and next week I've promised myself to start dropping them off and trying to make a good impression. I thought I might get to working on that resume tonight but no luck, I'll just keep telling myself I think I can, I think I can.
Hey Jen-I'm so proud of you for taking this big risk. I've heard about all that's been going on and you deserve so much better than that. Believe me, I know how hard and scary change can be! But just know that as you keep telling yourself, "I think I can, I think I can...", I'll be praying for you and saying, "I KNOW you can, I KNOW you can..." :-)
WOW Jen!! We have a lot in common! Other than our name! Hee hee!! I too am looking for an admin job! Last year I went from teaching 2nd grade to being a SPED teaching working with 4th and 5th graders! Talk about change!! Next year I am moving to another school (Kinda, long story) but what I am really hoping for is to become an AP! I am keeping my fingers crossed that this next year is my year!
Good luck getting that resume out! I will be thinking and praying for you as I know how hard it can be!!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend and your 5K!
Good luck on getting your resume ready and congrats on your new niece and nephew!!! WOW! I'm also writing to you to let you know we are swap buddies for the K&K Favorite Things Swap!! I'll email you and get your address! Have a great weekend Jen! :D
You are such a talented teacher! We support you and back you every step of the way. As far as those mysterious job opening at school, honestly it's their loss. Some people can't see a good thing when it's staring them in the face, but my belief is that they do see it and they are scared to be out shined or someone one to have better ideas then them. It will all work out for the best Jennifer. I just know it!
Having gone through this a few times myself I know how hard change can be. You are amazing at what you do and you will shine where ever you are. It's so easy to stay where we feel safe and with what we know but that isn't always the best thing for us. Go for it! I look forward to hearing all about the new 'work issues' that come along with it. :}
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