This was what my students looked like most of the day as they worked on their Math TAKS-----------------------------------
I myself had some trouble sleeping last night and woke up a little nervous this morning. I can't imagine the pressure they felt. You can't help but ask yourself "Did I do everything I could do to get them ready for this?" I feel confident though that they all did the best they could and hopefully when results come back we are all still smiling. As soon as I turned in all my exams and got my room back to normal for tomorrow I was out the door. It's definitely that time of the school year when we all feel drained like this little guy:

Just checking in!
poor teachers take so much on your shoulders!!! I'm sure the kids did just fine!!!
Keep going... your summer break is just around the corner!!!
Over from SITS.
I am totally impressed with anyone who is a teacher. You Rock!
Leavin some love from SITS!!
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