When my alarm went off this morning at 6:15 I thought twice about getting up to go run the Spring Fever 5K. It was too late. Charlie had already noticed I was awake and was ready for our morning routine--some playing in bed with at least one of his toys, full bowl of food and the necessary trip outside. I made it out to the race about 20 minutes before start time and waited for my friends who had decided to come out and run with me. They showed up just in time. Every time I race I always look for a "goal girl." This is someone who starts off ahead of me who I hope to pass by the end of the race. Today it was random girl in purple and lady in polka dot tank. About mile 2, I saw my chance and went for it. Polka dot tank wasn't too happy, she kept trying to stay ahead but finally I paced myself a little better and stayed ahead. I ended up finishing 2nd in my age group with a time of 27:50. After the race Robert and I went out and
fulfilled my weekly TJ Maxx fix ran some errands. On our way home we stopped to look at a model home in a new subdivision and I fell in love with the design. It's amazing how they can deck the homes out so well, I only have to open the door half way before the words "I love it, I've found our new home" start to come out of my mouth. There's nothing wrong with dreaming right???? Later in the afternoon we went out to the Dodge Arena to watch some of my boys play flag football and almost all my girls perform their dance routine during halftime. It's awesome to see them shine outside the four walls of our classroom. Our evening was spent at Robert's high school's Military Ball. He was the lucky administrator in charge and I was his date. It was so funny to see his kids on the dance floor with their glow sticks and asking him to please turn off all the lights in the cafeteria. So glad that awkward high school phase is long gone!!!!!As a teacher this is how I know spring is officially here: we are busy with something every weekend!!! Hurry summer, hurry!!!!
I WENT TO TJ MAXX FRIDAY! I LOVEED IT :) I bought sooo much stuff!
27:50 for a 5K???? Oh my goodness girl.. you must flat FLY!!!!!!
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