Tonight a group of teachers from my campus and I participated in the 2009 Relay for Life in McAllen. We have raised money and pledged to walk to help find a cure for over 5 years now. This year the saying on our pink t-shirts was "Paws for a Cure." (our mascot is a grizzly, hence the paws) It's awesome to see all the different groups that make it out to show their support and walk in memory of a loved one. Some groups go all out with the tents, BBQ, and costumes. One of my favorite things to see are all the luminarias that line the track and stadium. We were there a little early today and didn't get to see the full effect but the feeling of hope was definitely in the air. Robert and I ended up walking for about 45 minutes. I was worried about doing too much, I have a 10k planned for the morning. To see all the survivors there in their purple shirts was AWESOME!!!!!! Especially when they lapped us and they RAN by! What inspiration they giev us all!
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